What is Patton's Tiger?

I have been immersed in natural history since I was 18 and started work at the (then) Wildfowl Trust at Arundel. I met, worked and lived with some brilliant naturalists and a lifetime's obsession was born.
Birding was followed by mothing and the height of 'achievement' was obtained when a moth was given the above vernacular name in recognition of the fact that I trapped the first British record.

Wednesday, 22 August 2012


I hadn't done it before. I was a Bioblitz virgin. It was only when I found out that my old friend and Pan-species Listing rival Tony Davis was going to be ringing birds at the Bioblitz at Queen Elizabeth Country Park near Petersfield, that I decided to go along for the day. Just caught the end of the ringing (don't do mornings!) but got to see this fine Bullfinch in the hand of Dan Hoare.

We helped with the identification of the contents of the moth trap and then went for a walk over some splendid chalk downland. On a rather windy day, few species were hanging around to be photographed, but this Small Skipper was very obliging.

A nice selection of hoverflies was seen and I got a new micro-moth. The highlight, for me, was finally catching up with a moth which had eluded me - the Chalk Carpet.

There was plenty of Clustered Bellflower.

And we saw lots of these flies with black and yellow bodies and black wings.

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